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Free 20 Minute Phone call
Accept Death - Then begin to live!! Fear of death will prevent true LIVING! Accept that death is only moving through the door to the next existence. See a medium to open your perception that there is more to our life than this construct we believe is Real!
Over 30 years of experience with death and dying to support you today answering any questions you might have. Contact us Below for a free phone/Zoom conversation to support your journey.
Online groups are available to support you as you journey to accepting death and dying. Whether facing the death of a loved one, pet or loss of position in life, join with others who share your Journey.
Why wait until you 'HAVE TO' look for information about death? Search now to uncover the many opportunities to grow and change your perception about death.
Personal publications regarding being with the dying are in the edited phase. Coming Soon . . .
You are not alone! Our society has pushed the subject of DEATH away for many reasons. Fear of death keeps Love of LIfe away and prevents compassion for self and others. Reach out and overcome any 'Fear' you may have about Dying.
Links to other sites here Soon!
Request a free 15 minute phone/zoom consult when you email us.
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